
Oct 21, 2021

Michael Ray “Picture” Song Review

Updated: Aug 1, 2022

“Picture” by Michael Ray is exactly what you think of when you think about country music. No pop influence, it’s a country song through and through. And, like all good country songs, it has a beautiful story.

“Picture” is about one of the worst scenarios that none of us can escape: death. The entire premise of the song is that you should love and appreciate everyone as much as possible, before you (or they) pass away. Although pictures may fade, they can keep us from forgetting those precious little memories, like Christmas morning when your parents gave you that amazing present (you know the one).

“I hope that when people hear this song, it’s not something that brings sadness. It’s something that brings joy. I hope it serves as a reminder that it’s okay to slow down and be present because you’ll never regret the time to take to be with family and friends,” Ray states in a press release. “I hope listeners can go back to pictures and relive good times with loved ones that maybe have passed, but I also hope it reminds them to capture those memories, in the moment, while they can.”

He reminds us that “one day we’re barefoot young and alive / next we’re a story in a 3 by 5.” Not only is this a beautiful lyric, but it’s also earth-shatteringly true. We won’t live forever; no one will. So, the best thing that you can do is heed his advice and “take every snapshot while you can.”

Listen to Michael Ray “Picture” here and to hear more of country music’s best new releases, head to our Playlists Page and follow The Nash New Releases playlist on Spotify. For the latest in country music news follow The Nash News on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.